Anders Breitholtz and The Studio
My interest in heraldry started when I as a young boy saw my grandmother's beautiful heraldic paintings.
In 2007 I attended a meeting in Denmark with heralds and heraldic artists from all the Nordic countries.
Since then I began to draw and paint coat of arms and other images for private people and various organizations.
Studies in art history and aesthetics at the University of Uppsala (Fil kand, equivalent to a BA) broadened my frames of references, valuable knowledge in understanding fine arts and heraldry but also in the creative process.
In 2019 I was elected a member of The International Association of Amateur Heralds, IAAH, (http://amateurheralds.com/)
I am also a member of The International Heraldry Society
(www.heraldry-society.com) and was recently
appointed one of their artists.
Previously I was appointed artist at The Swedish Heraldry Association (www.heraldik.se) and Svenska Vapenkollegiet
(Swedish College of Heraldry), for whom I drew some sixty coat of arms.
I am also a member of some other organizations: Heraldiska Samfundet (The Swedish Heraldry Society) and Societas Heraldica Scandinavica (www.heraldik.org) with members in the five Nordic countries.

A coat of arms consists of various parts: the crest,
wreath or torse, helm or helmet, shield or
escutcheon with charges or figures, mantling or mantle,
in some cases also a motto and supporters
on either side of the shield.
The artwork provided can be used:
for printing visiting cards, envelopes and letterheads, invitation cards, congratulatory cards, bookplates,
as models for engravings on family crest signet rings, jewellery and necklaces,
as illustrations in books and articles,
as logotypes for companies and associations.
as a piece of art, framed and displayed on a wall.