Creative Heraldry is an art studio, specializing in developing high quality heraldic images and artwork, such as coat of arms, shields, crests, bookplates/exlibris, badges, logotypes, trade marks. Clients are private persons and families, also organizations such as associations, business companies, governmental bodies, churches and institutions.
In order to arrive at a meaningful and unique work of art initial consultation is of importance and of course free of charge. Your ideas and intensions are most valuable here. These could be virtually about anything, such as the historic background, symbols, style, colour preferences, photos, simple sketches. On basis of this I usually draw a few preliminary sketches in ink and colour, which are sent to you as jpg-pictures via e-mail together with a price estimation.
Once agreed on the visual image, a commission is made to Creative Heraldry, and work starts according to agreed guidelines aiming at the final original artwork.
The final artwork is an original painting and a drawing, individually tailored for the client. The techniques, media and format could vary accordingly such as gouache or tempera on vellum, acrylic or oil paint on canvas, wooden board or copper plate, services which are priced individually.
Usually the original work of art is also digitalized as jpg-pictures , sometimes also vectorized when enlargement with preserved sharpness is required.
In order to make it easier for the client to choose certain standard options are available:
I. New design of a coat of arms, ex libris, emblem, logotype
Model A: a painting in gouache on high quality acid free paper in size abt 30x40 cms and a line-drawing in black ink on special acid-free drawing paper in size abt 20x30 cms.
When the design involves a new coat of arms a blazon is included, i.e. a description in heraldic terminology.
Model B: as Model A without the line drawing.
Model C: as Model A without the painting in colour.
II. Redesign of an existing coat of arms, logotype etc,
Model II A: a painting in gouache on high quality acid free paper in size abt 30x40 cms and a line drawing in black ink on special acid free paper in size abt 20x30 cm.
Model II B: A gouache painting on high quality acid-free paper in size abt 30x40 cms.
All prices are based on a certain level of complexity and time spent. Also special requests are welcome, for which prices are given individually. The prices are in euros and include freight but not VAT as works of art are exempt of VAT. Prices in other currencies can be provided on request.
Terms of payment: 50% on date of commission, the remainder on delivery.
Price list can be obtained on request.